Alternative report on the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities in Lithuania was presented to media and goverment

On the occasion of International day of persons with disabilities association “Lithuanian Disability Forum” have presented the report on implementation of UNConvention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities in Lithuania. The report was presented in a press conference  and specially organized conference in Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, as well during a special meeting with Prime minister of Lithuania Algirdas Butkevičius.

Alternative report focuses and provide analysis of ten different areas of implementation of UN Covention: equality before the law, independent living, health care, education, participation in political and public life, right to employment, etc.

The purpose of the Alternative Report is to inform the UN Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities about how the UN Convention has been implemented by Lithuania’s government and its institutions, since ratification of the Convention by Lithuania in 2010.

The UN Committee will be reviewing Lithuania on 6-7 April, 2016.