The Swedish Royal couple opened an exhibition on disability in Lithuania

Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia have shown particular attention to the Lithuanian community of people with disabilities by opening an exhibition “AccessAbility” on 7 October at National open access sholarly communication and information center of Vilnius University. The exhibition was organized during the time of the royal family’s state visit to Lithuania.

This is a common exhibition of the Swedish Institute and the Association of Lithuanian disability forum. Together with 14 people with various disabilities from Sweden, for the first time 7 Lithuanian portraits are presented. The exhibition “AccessAbility” is based on the everyday life stories. It tells us about their passions, dreams, hopes, sorrows, joys, jobs, families and loved ones

Throughout the world traveling exhibition “AccessAbility” seeks to initiate a discussion on the accessability of environment and the integrity of people with physical or mental disabilities in society. To live with dignity, regardless of disability, is a human right according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The personal portraits included in this exhibition can hopefully initiate conversations and help strengthen international cooperation on accessibility and disability policies.

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